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Weekly, one of our four distinguished gentleman will post a story about his week/weekend in a way that will have you hooked and literally coming back for more. We will provide details that most would only ever imagine happened in the movies and on television shows.

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Monday, May 17, 2010

Bruce Wayne: "Lesson for the ladies"

Good day (or night!) fellow readers...

Today's post is going to be a little different. Today, I will be giving the ladies a little lesson. Now before the gentlemen get all concerned that I'm about to give away patented trade secrets... slap yourself and apologize to me RIGHT NOW because I, better than anyone, know better than to do that foolishness! We all however do have mothers and sometimes (and I mean sommmmmmmetimes), the ladies need some help too.

Ready? Here goes.

Lesson #1: Decide to be a fool, or decide to NOT. ALWAYS a choice!

So we’ll start with a story to get everyone included and help both men and women understand the rule.

I have a friend that is into this DJ. He plays at one of the city’s busier clubs so I guess that means he gets to fuck lots of young, dumb girls? Needless to say… he DOES! I know a few that have been with him and according to those that did and ‘got smart’, he’s, and I quote: “horrible in bed and has a small penis”. Now before ANY of you allow yourselves to run to calling me a hater, I haven’t slept with homeboy, and I personally ONLY ever indulge myself with those of the opposite sex, so me mentioning that he has a small penis is merely mentioned because I’m angry that the geek is messing with my girls head. Anyway, I digress. Where was I? AHH yes… DJ with small penis that fucks lots of dumb patrons to overcompensate for lack of confidence in the real world 

Well this guy has one of my girlfriends ALLLLL pringled (twisted) up and she is now at the point of no return… she is officially lost to the dumb bitch side and it breaks my heart to know that her father, who actually did a fairly good job at raising her, has lost the battle like so many other whore’s fathers have. This guy never hits her up when he says, flakes out on plans, has her over ONLY in the middle of the night, forgets her birthday and and and. Now to me, it’s sorta textbook that you’re a piece of ass when a guy ONLY ever talks to you when he’s saying stuff like: “no no, don’t stop, I have a hair tie somewhere that you can use if your hair is getting in the way… keep going”. Now for this poor soul to not take her friend’s advice, my advice and even that little voice in her head that is screeaaammming to run the other way, one would assume that she, at the very least, THINKS that she may be falling in love. WRONG. Don’t EVER assume that when people do dumb shit beyond your sane comprehension that they are in love. They are in DUMB and only time helps that.

Now before I go on, let me be clear…. At some point or another, every single one of us is on the other end of someone taking either a slight bit advantage of us, or tons. It’s merely a matter of choice as to where you land on the chart. Now onto the rule….

Lesson #1: Decide to be a fool, or decide to not. ALWAYS a choice!

IF you know that the guy or girl that you’re sleeping with is feeding (fucking) everyone else as if it were a food bank and you CHOOSE to continue sleeping with them and being treated solely as a piece of ass… GOOD on you. What that means is that you’re hip to their bullshit and you’re fucking them because you WANT to. Small penis or not, corny club DJ lines or not, slight resemblance to Taylor Lautner or not, you have CHOSEN to do what you are doing, and consequently, take the flack from your friends (ME) in good conscience as well. Here is where people have (bigger) problems with girls allowing themselves to be taken…. The general public knows what’s up, the universe you live in does EVERYTHING to SHOW you that you’re being taken, yet you (the dumb girl) STILLLL believes that he’s really into you?? COMMON. It is at this point that you go from being the girl that is one of many but is hip to the game, to being that young, dumb girl that every guy will NOW know is dumb and will eventually turn into an every day slut. It sucks, but I tell you no lies.

Moral of the story… you ALWAYS have a choice. Ladies, please either choose to do what you do because it’s on your semi-terms or hate yourself for approximately 3-7 years that it will take to shed the shame of being that dumb slut that everyone in your PAST city knew you as (yes- you WILL likely move at some point to try to expedite getting some of the self-respect and dignity that you fucked away!).

Until next time…. Same Bat time… Same Bat post.



  1. Well said Mr. Wayne!

  2. Bruce Wayne says: Thank you thank you. Hopefully you're a woman that I just helped out a bit lol, either way... spread the word!
